Eat Local Challenge

Are you constantly snapping photos of dishes you’ve cooked with fresh vegetables you picked up at the Farmers Market? Are friends and family constantly drooling over your social media posts about your latest farm fresh meal? Then we have a challenge for you! BREADA is teaming up with Healthy BR and the LSU Ag Center for a Local Food Challenge to celebrate Food Day. Here’s the deal:
- Take photos of your food or beverage that incorporates locally produced ingredients.
- Ingredients must be grown/produced within ~200 miles of your home.
- Give a brief caption highlighting the local ingredients in your meal, whether it’s a homemade snack or dinner at a restaurant.
- Share your local eats during Food Week (October 18—23rd) via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
- Use #EatLocalBR to enter for a chance to win! The more pictures you share, the more chances to win!
- Top five winners will each receive a gift card to the Red Stick Farmers Market. Winners will be announced at the Market on Food Day, October 24th.
For more information, download the Eat Local Challenge.