Last Chance to Help in 2017

“Food is not just fuel. Food is about family. Food is about community. Food is about identity. And we nourish all those things when we eat well,”
author and food activist Michael Pollan.

Where does your food come from…and why does it matter?
At Red Stick Farmers Market, friendly faces and locally-grown produce set the stage for a unique community gathering place. Farmers and shoppers get to know each other, recipes are shared, and neighbors take the time to visit. And while it is the question we strive to teach the next generation through our Red Stick Sprouts program, it is also what we learn when we visit the Market. We affirm the extraordinary value of the vibrant community that BREADA creates by bringing farmers, chefs, artisans, children, families, and friends together in one special place. Nothing can replace the connection you make when you come face-to-face with the farmer who nurtured the strawberries, corn, or green beans that feed your family. At the very core of our mission is preserving the livelihood of family farmers and building the foundation for a healthy local food system that fosters thoughtful stewardship of land and community. BREADA’s work nurtures our community in each component of our outreach, whether it be through:
- Teaching students at Ryan Elementary about healthy food with the establishment of a school vegetable garden
- Enrolling over 1,000 low income families in our Red Stick Rewards program that matches fresh food purchases for SNAP
- Engaging over 3,000 children about local food and farmers in our Red Stick Sprouts program that empowers kids to make healthy food choices
- Supporting small family farmers with disaster relief grants that allow farmers to recover from devastating losses
Your contribution supports these programs and our work to cultivate the sacred connections that food and farming provide. We hope you will consider a year-end donation to support our work. You can make a tax-deductible donation online. We are grateful for the support of generous donors who have made a meaningful impact on the lives of farmers and families in our community.