While we would love to chat with all prospective vendors individually, the high volume of applications we receive and our regular workload does not always allow for this. Please read all policies and procedures before applying.
Steps to Become a Vendor
Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at one of our markets. We are a producer-only market which means that you must grow, raise, or make all items that you sell at the market. We prioritize local farmers and agricultural products. As a nonprofit organization with a mission to support small family farmers, we are proud to provide a vibrant place for farmers and food artisans to directly connect with consumers.
Based on the information provided in your application, we will review and determine if your farm or business is a potential fit for one of our market days and locations. If we determine that you are a good candidate for inclusion but no space is available, we may place you on a waitlist and review your application again if/when a space does become available.
While we would love to speak with all prospective vendors individually, the high volume of applications we receive and our regular workload does not always allow for this. Please be sure to thoroughly read our guidelines and visit the market before applying.
While we would love to speak with all prospective vendors individually, the high volume of applications we receive and our regular workload does not always allow for this. Please be sure to thoroughly read our guidelines and visit the market before applying.
We don’t accept:
- Political Organizations
- Religious Organizations
- Franchises
- Carnival Foods
- Resale Items
Ready to Apply?
To become an MSM Day Stall Food Artisan, fill out our online application, linked below.