Behind the scenes – Erin Tassin of Farm Life

Behind the scenes – Erin Tassin of Farm Life

Behind the scenes – Erin Tassin of Farm Life

It’s National Farmers Market Week! 

To celebrate National Farmers Market Week, we recognize that farmers markets don’t just happen. Every week our farmers market staff, volunteers, vendors and amazing customers come out to make sure that our farmers market continues to serve as a hub for fresh, local food and connection in our community. More than ever before, National Farmers Market Week is an opportunity to showcase the value of farmers markets. 

BREADA’s commitment to stewardship of the land and community, sustaining small, family farms, and providing food access for all would not be possible without the weekly markets. But most importantly, the Market would not be possible without our wonderful vendors! 

To emphasize the important connection between BREADA and our vendors, BREADA staff will often visit our vendors’ farms or place of business. These visits allow BREADA to learn more about the products sold at the Market and to grow stronger, more knowledgeable relationships with our vendors.

Recently, we spent the morning with Erin Tassin of Farm Life on her property in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. Here is a quick Q&A from that morning.

Q&A with Erin Tassin of Farm Life

Where are you located?

Grosse Tete, LA 

What primarily do you sell at the Market?

“Goat’s milk soap – I started selling at the market as a side job. I was only going about once a month at most and was profiting really well. Because of BREADA, over a year’s time, I was able to build my clientele and a good customer base. So, I took a chance, attempted selling my soap full time at the market and built a website. The business took off from there!”

First market – one table with a tiny sign 

How long have you been involved with the RSFM?

Around 4- 5 years

How much of your product is sold at the Market(s)?


What is your favorite memory at the Market?

“My first returning customer — She came back to the Market and told me my soap was the best goat’s milk soap she had ever used. It felt so good to receive that validation about my product from a complete stranger.”

Where did the idea for goat’s milk soap come from?

“I already had goats, and I was told that goats milk soap is a great product, then I researched for 6 months until I even made the first batch of soap.”

What is your favorite part about the market and selling your product?

“I am able to build my business around my family and family’s needs.” 

What is most inspiring about your work with the Market?

“Children at the market can see the full circle process of having an idea, starting a business, and creating something from nothing. They can even see Avery, my daughter, selling products at the Market with me!”

Wednesday Market POSTPONED!
The Wednesday market at the ExxonMobil YMCA will return Oct. 30 (9 a.m. - Noon)